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2018 Outstanding Civic Engagement Award

Studying at the honors college at GVSU led me to study abroad in Ghana the summer after my freshman year. With that incredible experience came some major achievements in my life.


I completed my senior project there, implementing a sustainable feminine hygiene product and health education workshops in local villages. This was done in effort to keep adolescent girls in school after starting their period. The project was successful and continues to this day, as it was adopted by the local Ghanaian nonprofit, ISHEW.


The project's success led to my project partner and I receiving the 2018 Outstanding Civic Engagement Award. In addition, I unexpectedly won first place in the 2018 Padnos International Center Study Abroad Photo Contestreceiving front-cover publication in the university's study abroad magazine. Overall this trip was the most educational experience of my life, teaching me the value of learning, interacting with different cultures, and leaving a positive, sustainable footprint wherever I go.


Emergency Care Specialists






I worked on a semester-long project with 5 other GVSU math students researching and proposing effective staffing strategies for Spectrum Health emergency rooms using Python and SAP.


We pulled and cleaned patient data in order to project staff schedules that satisfied patient needs, minimized labor costs, and increased doctor and APP productivity for Blodgett and Butterworth emergency rooms

On a team of 8 students, I helped manage a half a million dollar Google grant among several nonprofit resources using Google AdWords and Google Analytics.


Together, we provided an open-source repository, increasing worldwide engagement for the Solar Suction Surgery System (S4) (a solar-powered generator created to provide electricity to East African hospitals during frequent power-outages). In addition, we managed ads for several other open-source products including solaRescue, A Midwife's Guide, Arbitration, and Digital Workplace.


The group presented at the Midwest Decision Sciences Institute 2017.

On a team of 6, I participated in a virtual internship researching COVID-19’s effect on the Meijer Pets Department.


Within the project, I proposed response opportunities to match competition in private label brands.


Together, we pulled reports, analyzed company data, and analyzed consumer behavior, proposing recommendations to executive leadership with an estimated sales growth of $8.1 Million.

Please visit my LinkedIn for more information on my

undergraduate research and professional work experience.


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